Product Concepts
GameZone - Fox Sports Complete coverage of live NBA games with players on the court as main focus. Other widgets include boxscore, play by play, and a customized Twitter stream. Center content is interchangeable as the user interacts with the interface. Shown below is an example of when a player has been selected for further analysis.
Mobile App Concept
This was a concept for Bud Light providing statistical insight for live NFL games
Using custom algorithms, the application would predict the type of upcoming play
Social Integration - The user can also select their own predictions of what they think will happen on the upcoming play, with a point system in place to be shared on social networks
Fantasy Game Concept Fantasy football using simple data visualizations and flat UI concepts.
In-Venue Concept This is a version of ICE seen in a tablet for in-venue events
ICE Soccer Concept This is a conceptual version of ICE for soccer (futbol) statistical analysis.